Monday, March 17, 2008

Make Sunbird shine with extensions

Sunbird, Mozilla's calendar application, supports extensions just as Firefox and Thunderbird do. What kind of extensions work with a calendar? How about being able to get a weather forecast when you're setting up a golf date, or exporting your desktop calendar to a Web service?

To read the rest of my article on Sunbird extensions visit

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Business communications Tech style

With new technology you notice everything changes; from the way we dress, go to work, and how we pass our free time, all the way down to getting a job and communicate with friends, family and relatives. Thanks to technology we evolve and make our life easier, benefiting us within our careers. It allows us to get our names, and info such as resumes and cover letters to a greater amount of employers than before.

Sites such as , , allow us to reach out to those potential employers at a cheaper and much faster speed. It all helps you reach your career faster and find that great job you have been looking for. Just remember it's all about the communication skills you hold and how you decide to use them. These sites work greatly as long as you fill out the correct info and post it out for others to see. For example with Craigslist I posted my resume online for view and no latter then two days I got over ten E-mails offering positions at local jobs in my related field of web design.

It's also great to have connections with locals and people around the world, build up your contact list by posting on blogs and within forums related to you career area. The more people you come in contact and E-mail, the better off you are at finding a great job/ career. All these sites and applications that allow you to build up your contact list are great. Even if you have all these contacts keep in touch with them, see what's new and find if they know of any job opening's, or see if they are headed over your way sometime so maybe you could talk and hang out, possibly go for a round of golf.

Another great way to reach out to more people is get affiliated with a local political campaign and presidential campaign in you area. One example for me is working on the Mitt Romney campaign for 2008, it built up my contacts list greatly and got involved with local people who can open many doors when needed.

Don't forget it's not just about the websites and building the contacts that help, you need to be able to build up courage and contact these people, keep an up to date friendship with these contacts and also be able to communicate and talk clearly with them and use correct hand motion and dialog, dress correctly and show that you have self-confidence and can help show your views on a particular job..

You should use these techniques at all times even when your not looking for a job, you don't know what the will happen in the future, leading you into needing a job or who knows what may come from these friendships and contacts you make along your lifetime.